Cleaning 8 Hard-To-Reach Places In Your House

Best Ways Of Cleaning 8 Hard-To-Reach Places In Your House

September 10, 2022

We always skip cleaning the hard-to-reach places in our house. It is because most homeowners don’t know the tricks and think the task is challenging. However, our best ways of cleaning 8 hard-to-reach places will give you the best solution.

Cleaning the narrow spaces of your home needs some simple and regular tools. Also, with some great tricks, you can do this job without taking hardship. Proper cleaning of hard-to-reach places makes your house completely clean.

Today, you’ll get some amazing tips and tricks to clean eight different hard-to-reach areas of your house. So, keep reading to learn about our in-depth discussion.

1. Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures

Ceiling fans and light fixtures the too far areas from the floor. For this reason, we always avoid cleaning these areas. However, an upper ceiling fan and light fixture may cause excessive dust in house. You can easily clean the debris and dust with some simple tools and cleaning techniques.

Pick a mop cloth or disposable duster and attach it with a long handle. You can use a broom for this task. But always try to use a duster that adheres to the dust easily. That’s why it will be best to avoid feather-type duster.

If you find any stubborn dirt, clean it with dishwashing gel and water. Never forget to dry the fan and light fixture.

2. Ceilings and Moldings

Spider webs and dust are always seen in ceilings and moldings. As these places are hard to reach and far from the ground, spiders like to knit webs in corners here.

There are a lot of brushes and dusters available in the market for cleaning ceilings and moldings. Choose a long-handled brush with a suitable mop.

Now, rub the affected areas swiftly. Make sure you clean the corners also. If the handle can’t reach the ceiling, use a ladder and get help from someone to hold it carefully.

You can use a vacuum brush to clean the dust. To do this, use the brush tool and vacuum the dust.

3. Cabinet Tops and Tall Furniture

Generally, we can’t reach the cabinet tops and tall furniture easily. Though we don’t find dirt in those places, many dust and spider webs are on these sides. Also, these places lose their regular shine because they remain unclean for a long time.

To clean these high areas, you have to need a brush that can move at various angles. There are so many flexible brushes available to make your cleaning easy.

While using this type of brush, you don’t need a ladder or other support. Wipe the areas with a clean mop to give a finishing touch.

4. Window Blinds

Window blinds are much harder and time-consuming to clean. However, specks of dust gather here most. Especially, if the color of the blind is white, these seem nasty and discolored.

To keep window blinds shiny and enlightened, you have to clean these weekly. You can clean window blinds by following several ways.

Make a solution with dishwashing gel, home-washing ammonia, and water. Now, close the blinds to clean one side. Soak the brush into the cleaning agent and rub the blinds with it properly.

After that, use clean water to remove the cleaning liquid. Repeat the same process on the other side of the blind by opening it.

Another effective way to clean the window blinds is by using your fingers. It is a simple trick to eliminate dust without lifting a finger. Soak the fingers in the cleaning agent and open the blind. Clean one after another blind by following the blind lines. If you don’t have a suitable brush, you can use this process.

5. Window, Sliding Door, and Shower Door Tracks

All these spaces are too narrow and harder to clean. Even most of the cleaning brushes and mops can’t reach these window and door tracks properly. A vacuum cleaner including a brush is the best option to quickly clean window and door tracks.

Moreover, you can use your regular laptop cleaning brush to wash these narrow places. Soak the brush into the cleaning agent and rub the tracks carefully. Soon it becomes super clean and dust-free.

However, before using any cleaning agent, check the track metal. Otherwise, use hot water to remove the dust.

Besides, there are some glue-type tools available in online and offline markets. These tools behave like adhesives and attract the debris to stick to them. You can easily use these on your metal window and door tracks, too.

6. Behind the Toilet

We often miss cleaning ours behind narrow places in the toilet. Sometimes, the lack of proper cleaning creates permanent stains in these spaces.

Also, for this unhealthy reason, there remains a huge possibility of producing more bacteria in the washroom. However, you can’t clean the area with your regular cleaning equipment.

Use hand gloves and laundry brushes to clean the behind areas in the toilet. Firstly, clean the soil, hair, and other debris carefully.

Now, use detergent or floor cleaner powder to remove the stains. By following this method, you will be able to clean even the edges and corners behind the toilet.

7. Refrigerator Coils

Dusty refrigerator coil may reduce the working efficiency of your equipment. Even long time situations can damage the coils permanently.

By using a few simple tools, you can clean these specks of dust and debris completely. You can do this task without turning off the refrigerator.

Firstly, turn the fridge back towards you and identify the coil’s location. Remove the ventilation cage and start cleaning with the vacuum brush.

Suck the dust with a vacuum cleaner. Also, you can use paintbrushes to clean any stubborn dust or debris. Clean the blades of the fan so that it can move perfectly.

8. Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposal is the dirtiest area in your kitchen. As you release all types of food garbage through this, the area can grow bacteria and bad smells.

However, with some easy home remedies, you can get rid of these bacteria and smells. Firstly, clean all the solid debris from the disposal hole and turn on the water tap.

Now, pour some vinegar into the sink and garbage disposal and wait for a while. After some time, stream the cold water to wash the vinegar.

You can use the citrus peel to remove the bad odors. For this task, you need to keep the peels over the disposal for hours. It will remove the bad smells and stains quickly.


· What will you use in cleaning hard-to-reach spaces of the equipment?

Dust-absorbing brushes and dusters are the best for cleaning hard-to-reach spaces of any equipment. Generally, feather dusters and brushes can’t stick to the dust.

As a result, clouds of dust become scattered. On the other hand, dust-absorbing or disposable dusters can clean the dust swiftly.

· How do you get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places?

By using a long-handed duster, you will get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places. Long-handed disposable dusters and brushes can clean hard-to-reach places like ceilings, moldings, cabinets, and furniture tops. However, always use a damp mop or duster to clean too dirty narrow places quickly.

· What is the simple trick to eliminate dust?

Cleaning the house according to a routine can be the simplest trick to eliminate dust. Also, you can close the windows most of the time to prevent dust.

In this case, you have to use curtains in the windows. Always try to vacuum the house daily. By following all these tricks, you will be able to eliminate dust.

The Bottom Lines

Without cleaning the hard-to-reach places, you can’t keep your house ideal. Though these places seem to be clean, the hidden dust and debris can spread allergies. That’s why these areas are also important like cleaning your floor.

Hope our tricks and tips in cleaning 8 hard-to-reach places will ease your home cleaning. Share your experiences with us by commenting below.

However, if you want professionals to handle these cleaning services, feel free to reach out to Glg Assets Ltd.

Happy home cleaning!

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