Everything You Need To Know About Houseplants

Everything You Need To Know About Houseplants

February 23, 2021

Do you have enough spaces around your house? Hopefully, you have it but not others. Planting trees is a good practice and it is necessary for our environment to keep clean. But the person who doesn’t have any space for planting trees, then what he can do? Any suggestion?

Don’t worry and stop thinking right now. Let us share the best idea with you.

Nothing can be better than having houseplants when you don’t have any land. Don’t think, having houseplants is not suitable for the others. In fact, a house is completed when it has indoor houseplants. The air of the house is more pure and natural than the one which doesn’t have indoor plants.

But, planting indoor plants is not easy when you know nothing about them. On the other hand, it is enjoyable and pleasure when you everything. Tell us, what do the previous two sentences mean? It’s not our advice rather it is the reality that if you want to have indoor plants then everything you need to know about houseplants.

You have to know all facts about plants, their required temperature, how much water do they need, the soil preparation, and many more. Don’t worry we are going to discuss everything that is necessary for planting houseplants. Before acquiring the following information you shouldn’t go for having indoor plants in your house.

What Do Indoor Plants Actually Mean?

Houseplants or indoor plants actually mean the same things. The plants that grow indoor are called indoor plants or houseplants. There are many plants of different varieties such as palms, tropical plants, and others. A lot of plants grow indoor for example Dracaena, Pothos, Monstera Deliciosa, Rubber tree, Spider plant, and many more.

How Do You Choose Indoor Plants for Your House?

Depending on the intensity and duration of available light in your house you can choose different kinds of plants for the house. First of all, let’s talk about the bright light plants. When you have bright light to the window are then you can get everything good on there. If you have a bright light on the windowsill then you can grow almost all plants there like cacti and succulent.

Secondly, you have to choose the plants cautiously when you have medium light on the area to plant. You have to know which plants do like medium light. For example, Calathea, ferns, philodendron, and pothos like a moderate amount of light then they grow well there. But the bright light plants won’t grow well there.

Thirdly, don’t think you can grow any plants in a low-light area. There are also many plants that thrive in low light. You can start growing ZZ plants in the low-light area. Not done yet, it is also possible to grow snake plants and pothos there but they might not grow well. They are actually medium light plants but can also survive under low light.

What Equipment Should You Have?

Somebody may tell you that you need a lot of equipment to start. We say they tell you what they know. They might be right. But in reality, you can start with a few pieces of equipment and tools. Yes, it is true that the more equipment you have, you can take care of your plants better. But in our opinion, the following are enough when you are starting from the beginning. And then you will know what you need over the time passed.

Water Pot

You may need to water the plant regularly or after a few days on but regular basis. At that time you need a water pot. It’s not mandatory to buy a new and specialized pot for watering but having a pot is necessary. You may also use any used can or pot to water the houseplants.

Spray Bottle

You may ask, why do you need this? Well, if the plants’ leaves get affected by insects then you need to spray insecticide. And you need the spray bottle then. You may use dish soap and vinegar mixed water as an insecticide spray. Many others also use neem oil for the same purpose.


This is the thing you really need. The right temperature and perfect humidity level both are equally important for the good growth of your plants. But if you don’t have a hygrometer then how do you check the temperature and humidity status? Hopefully, you can understand how the equipment is important your houseplants for!


We said this fact in the previous part. A suitable humidity level is important. If the humidity level falls or rises, the humidifier is the equipment that lets you control the right humidity indoors.

We don’t say you will need anything to expect these. But you can begin if you have just these.

The Facts You Should Know Before Planting Houseplants

We are sure you will not go for the experiment of your houseplants. In fact, everybody wants to bring success from the first time. We think you expect the same thing also. There are many everyday facts you should know. The following things help you a lot.

1.      Selecting The Area

Choosing the right area for the right plant is necessary. You have to think about the light available in your selected area. In this fact, we discussed detain in the past. Another important thing is how big the area. Some plants need less space but some need more. You have to think about it. Don’t put the plants so close as they touch each other. Give them enough space to thrive.

2.      Preparing the Soil

Make sure the quality of your soil is good to plant indoor plants. If the quality of the soil is good then you usually don’t need to add anything with the soil. But you can mix some biofertilizer with the soil which gives you good results. Usually, the soil requires fertilizer to add after every three months as the soil loses its nutrients after that period of time.

3.      Water Carefully

Without water, your plants will die eventually. On the other hand, excess water can rot the root of the plants. That is why you have to water the plants carefully. You need to check the water status of the soil before pouring water. Just firmly press your thumb on the soil and try to feel if the water still has water. If the soil contains water then don’t give any water. Don’t water too much as the water accumulates on the soil. Don’t forget to make holes at the bottom of the pot to pass excess water.

4.      Control Pests and Pets

Controlling pests is not the only thing that can complete your job. If any pest attacks your indoor plant, your first job is to find out affected leaf. Then remove the leaf from the plants. Then you have you apply pesticide control spray. Keep a good quality spray that can fight against pests to stimulate your plant growth.

Most probably you are astonished to see the word pets in this subheading. You should also know some plants are not safe for your pets such as dumb care, ZZ plant, aloe vera, elephant ear, etc. So keeping your pets away from the indoor plant is your duty also.

5.      Repotting

Repotting your houseplants is important when it is necessary. But how do you know repotting is necessary now, right?

Well, you will not get the optimum result if the indoor plant is not repotted when it is necessary. When you see the roots are protruding then repot. In fact, if the pot is small for the plant you should repot. Some other important indications are there for repotting such as root rot, overwatering, and others.

Care For Indoor Plants

A lot of things have already been told those are related to houseplants care. Even then we are going to tell you some special cares and summarize the above-mentioned facts as you don’t forget anyone. So, give attention to this part more and more. Definitely, these are the everyday facts you should know.

  • Check the water status of the potted soil regularly and add water if necessary. Ensure proper moisture. Don’t keep the soil too dry and too wet also.
  • Don’t use the pot that has no hole at the bottom. Make sure the pot has one more hole that ensures water drainage when there is more water.
  • Prune the plants when necessary. Don’t go for pruning when it is not necessary. If you see the plants are becoming too spindly and tally then you have to understand it is the time to prune.
  • Grow light is also important equipment when you see the plants are not growing well lack adequate light. Don’t forget to set up a grow light when your plants are in very low light condition.
  • Finally give attention, attention, and attention.

Some Common Houseplants That Grow Well Indoor

The choices differ from person to person. The plants you like that might not favor by the others. And this is natural. But there are some interesting houseplants that are liked by almost everybody and most importantly these grow well indoor. Here is the list of some popular houseplants that can help you to choose your favorite indoor plants.

  • Monstera deliciosa.
  • Cast iron plant.
  • Five holes plant.
  • Asparagus Fern.
  • Wax plant.
  • ZZ plant.

Some Interesting Facts about Plants

Plants are necessary for fresh air and the best environment. In fact, the plants are our true friends. The houseplants help us in many ways. We are sure we don’t think in these ways as described below. Now, we are discussing some fun facts about plants.

Reduces Air Pollution

It is proven by many studies including NASA that houseplants help to purify the air. They remove many volatile compounds and make the air best suitable for breathing.

Reduces Stress

We, urban people, stay most of our time indoors. Because of that, we are more exposed to indoor contaminated particles. Thus our stress level increases. But it is proven that plants can reduce stress levels and improve our mental health.

Noise Pollution Reducer

Do we have a quiet environment as expected? Not at all! Many houseplants can absorb noise, really! It is scientifically proven that peace lilies reduce noise by absorbing sound. Did you know this?

O2 Booster and CO2 Absorber

The houseplants give off oxygen to the environment which is necessary for us. On the other hand, they absorb carbon dioxide that we leave via expiration. Can you give an example of a true friend as the houseplants?

Increases Humidity

Houseplants increase the humidity level. If you have a houseplant in the winter you will feel your skin and hair are not becoming too dry as the others who don’t have indoor plants.

Summary Line

Almost all house plant information is discussed briefly. For starting and maintaining your houseplants this info are enough if you just follow this guide. Somebody may tell you houseplants require a lot of money to buy. We just say don’t hear what they say! A lot of indoor plants are available at very cheap prices such as pothos and ZZ plants.

In the end, you should remember, more water can rot the root. So, water the plants as necessary. And manage a grow light if you have very low light inside. These are enough that everything you need to know about houseplants. Now you are ready.

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