Small Space Vegetable Gardening Tips

Nowadays, most of the vegetables you find in the market consist of formaldehyde to keep them fresh for a longer period. This is a great business strategy but in fact harmful for the human body at a significant level.

How great would it be to grow your own vegetables in your home or rooftop. This is a nice way to utilize some of the space that you have available at every corner of your bungalow.

Do you have any practice or experience in this area? Then read this article to learn the small space vegetable gardening tips and learn to grow fresh and healthy vegetables.

Ways To Utilize a Small Space

There are a million spaces lying empty around you house. You may not notice them because at first, you didn’t wish to plant vegetables in those areas.

The key thing to planting vegetables in small spaces is to have significant air circulation and adequate sunlight. Additionally, they’ll require protection from your pet animals or children.

Moreover, the varieties of plants also make a huge difference in case of harvesting in a significant amount. For example, you can expect your tomatoes or cucumbers to grow much faster, but it is not a matter of depression when you’re observing poor growth from pole beans or spring onions.

If you wish to plant them out in a balcony, binding each pot on a vertical level might be a good way to utilize the spaces in the fence.

Layout Consideration

Forming a small vegetable garden at any corner of the house is easy but maintaining the good health of that garden is not a piece of cake. First, you must ensure that you have an adequate supply of nutrients to provide to your plants.

Perfect vegetable plants need sunlight, water, and soil with great fertility to perform photosynthesis and make food for yourself and for you. Vegetable plants need sunlight for 6 – 8 hours a day. This helps the fruit to ripen and the flowers to appear on time.

On the other hand, you need to water your plants at least 2 – 3 times every day. During the summer season, plants demand more water, just like human beings. So, the watering process might be more frequent during that season of the year.

You’ll be able to grow fresh vegetables from your garden, but the taste will depend upon the type of soil that you have planted in it. Soil, in most cases, has to be organic. Though the soil quality varies from region to region, some gardeners extract soil from another place to account for the perfect taste of vegetables.

Additionally, you can apply crushed eggshells or other organic decomposed material to your existing soil to increase its fertility rate.

Types Of Small Gardens

If you’re thinking about utilizing the spaces in your garden, you should look at the types of small gardens you can consider modelling in your backyard, balcony, or other small spaces at home.

  • Compact gardening is where you can plant a wide variety of seeds in a very small space. If you wish to plant capsicum in small gardens, they’ll suck up the whole space and there’s no room for other species. Instead, you can go for vegetables such as small tomatoes, radishes, lemons and many more.
  • Flower gardening is where you’ll plant as many flowers as you can and worry about the growth later. Many gardeners plant flowers this way and when the traffic level exceeds the threshold level, they outsource the vegetable to a more suitable place.
  • Vertical gardening is the most efficient way to save space in the vegetable beds in your small garden. But not every vegetable will support vertical growth. Pole beans and runner beans can grow vertically. But, for bush beans, you need to form a bed for them spread widely.

Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Containers

Instead of forming a vegetable bed, you can grow each set of vegetables in different containers. One advantage of growing fruits and vegetables inside containers is that they can be moved very easily for the sources of sunlight and the process of watering is simple.

Also, the variation of vegetables also depends on while intending to grow vegetables or fruits in containers. Herbs, eggplants, and cucumbers are very easy to grow in containers.

Make sure to take a container with a reasonable amount of volume. The greater the volume of the container, the greater amount of soil and seeds can be poured. If there’s more soil, then there’s more fertility.

Windowsill Gardens

If you wish to grow vegetables on a small scale or just as a hobby, then windowsill gardens will be perfect for you. If there is enough sunlight and water, any gardener may prolong the growth season by fertilizing up some herbal remedies and cultivating them indoors. You can even grow veggies indoors if a spot in your house gets adequate sunshine.

Additional Tips to Grow Vegetables in Small Space

After knowing all the types of small gardens and the necessary nutrients to grow vegetables in small space, it’s time to know some tips that will help you enhance the growth and yields even faster.

  • Select those vegetables that have the maximum growth and yield rate
  • Try to plant vegetables that have the least ground contamination effect
  • Set up a vertical gardening system that consumes less ground space
  • Grow vegetables in a hanging basket or container of a significant volume
  • Set your garden plants sidewise to save some additional space


Succeeding in growing vegetables in small spaces also improves your gardening skills. It benefits you from fresh and healthy vegetables and keeps a green environment around your house.

Planting vegetable plants also gives your house an adequate supply of oxygen. And last but not least, you can brag about small space vegetable gardening tips to your other gardener friends.

However, if you are an expert to give you a helping hand in your small space vegetable gardening, make sure to contact Glg Assets Ltd.