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ঢাকায় আপনার পুরাতন ফ্ল্যাটটি কীভাবে দ্রুত বিক্রি করবেন

ঢাকায় আপনার পুরাতন ফ্ল্যাটটি কীভাবে দ্রুত বিক্রি করবেন

January 25, 2024

ঢাকার বুকে একটি পুরাতন ফ্ল্যাট বিক্রি করা খুব কঠিন এবং ক্লান্তিকর কাজ হতে পারে। যদিও আপনি আশেপাশে প্রচুর ক্রেতা পাবেন কিন্তু এত সব মানুষের ভীড়ে প্রকৃত ক্রেতা খুঁজে বের সত্যিই কঠিন কাজ। তাই এই বিপুল সংখ্যক সম্ভাব্য ক্রেতার মধ্যে প্রকৃত ক্রেতা খুঁজতে আমাদের কিছুটা কৌশলী হতে হবে। এখানে আমরা কিছু টিপস নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো যা […]

How to Verify A Builder’s Reputation Before Buying a Flat

Top 5 Ways: How to Verify A Builder’s Reputation Before Buying a Flat

January 17, 2024

Buying a flat has become common in the capital of Bangladesh. But as purchasing a flat is a lucrative benefit for the property seller, the cases of fraud sellers are increasing. That’s why it’s crucial to verify the builder’s reputation before signing the agreement. So, how to verify a builder’s reputation before buying a flat? […]

Essential Real Estate Terms You Must Know Before Investing

Essential Real Estate Terms You Must Know Before Investing

January 10, 2024

Like any industry, the real estate industry has many terms. As a new buyer, you must know all the key terms of real estate as it involves a large sum of money and long-term commitments. Knowing the terms helps in effective communication, risk reduction, and informed decision-making. So, the real estate terms you must know […]

Primary Benefits of Joint Ownership of House Property

10 Primary Benefits of Joint Ownership of House Property

January 3, 2024

Having one’s own cozy space is everyone’s dream. However, the difficulty of getting a loan and the high value of a house make it difficult to purchase. That’s why joint ownership has become a new trend in property buying these days due to its alluring benefits. The key benefits of joint ownership of house property […]

Which is a Safer And More Profitable Investment: Stocks or Real Estate?

Which is a Safer And More Profitable Investment: Stocks or Real Estate?

December 21, 2023

Investment grows money for future needs and goals, like retirement or big purchases. But picking between real estate and stocks can be a tough call.  So, which is a safer and more profitable investment: stocks or real estate? Stocks can bring big returns but also come with ups and downs in the market. Real estate […]

How to sell your ready flat in Dhaka

How to sell your ready flat in Dhaka

December 15, 2023

Selling your ready flat in Dhaka is not an easy task in this competitive real estate marketplace. At some points, it may take a longer time than your expectations. In such cases, a few simple and easy steps can help you out to sell your ready flat in a possible time frame. In this practical […]

building under construction

Is Investing Under Construction Flats Beneficial?

December 8, 2023

Investing in under-construction flats is gaining in popularity these days. The investment landscape in real estate is dynamic, with various pros and cons of investing during various stages of development.  So, is investing in construction flats beneficial?  Yes, absolutely. The potential for higher returns, price appreciation, the ability to enter flexible payment plans, customization prospects […]

Which Type of Geyser is Best for Your Home

Which Type of Geyser is Best for Your Home? [A Comprehensive Guide]

November 23, 2023

Selecting the geyser that fits your needs is an important choice to make as it will impact not only your comfort but your energy consumption and utility bills as well. It’s also a big expense that you shouldn’t take lightly.  So, which type of geyser is best for your home? That depends on the demand […]

Which Floor is Best in High Rise Building

Which Floor is Best in High Rise Building? 5 Things You Need to Consider

October 14, 2023

Living in a high-rise in Bangladesh offers many floor options, each with unique advantages and things to think about. Choosing the right floor is a big decision for potential residents. So, which floor is best in high rise building? Lower floors offer easy access, while higher floors often have better views. Middle floors strike a […]

Why South Facing Flats or Apartments Are Always in High Demand in Dhaka Bangladesh

Why South Facing Flats or Apartments Are Always in High Demand in Dhaka Bangladesh?

October 11, 2023

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is among the world’s most densely populated cities. With its population steadily increasing, the demand for housing is on the rise. People often wonder why south-facing flats or apartments are always high in demand in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The cityscape exhibits a range of building orientations and diverse microclimates. In this […]

ঢাকা শহরে কোন ধরনের বিল্ডিং এর চাহিদা বেশি ?

ঢাকা শহরে কোন ধরনের বিল্ডিং এর চাহিদা বেশি ?

October 8, 2023

ইট কাঠের অট্টালিকার শহর ঢাকা। যেদিকে দু চোখ মেলে ইট-পাথরের দালান আর অট্টালিকায় টইটম্বুর।  ক’দিন আগেও ছিল, ঢাকার আকাশে চোখ মেলে আকাশ দেখতে গিয়ে চোখ আটকে যেতো না। যেখানে ডুপ্লেক্স ভিলাগুলো থেকে অসমাপ্ত আকাশের দেখা মেলত সুন্দরভাবেই। কনস্ট্রাকশন আর রিয়েল এসেস্টের কল্যাণে ঢাকা শহরে বিল্ডিংয়ের চাহিদা যেন এখন স্বপ্নের মতো।  ১৪৬৩.৬০ বর্গ কিলোমিটারের জনবহুল আর […]

roof top view

Top Advantages & Disadvantages of Living in Mirpur: Is It Worth It?

October 5, 2023

Mirpur is one of the highly populated areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Living in Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh, has its advantages and disadvantages, as is the case with any urban area.  So, what are the top advantages and disadvantages of living in Mirpur? Affordability, educational institutions, and cultural diversity are some of the advantages that make Mirpur […]